Aaron McClung, the founder and CEO of AM Agency, developed the Ovrflo65™ Framework after his own journey of surrendering his business to God and uncovering God’s vision and purpose for the company. The AM team now leads companies through the process in order to unleash the power of purpose through their organization. Your Advisor will guide you through determining the right plan to help you successfully work through the process. There is flexibility on where to begin and how to structure your path based on your unique situation, but these are the typical phases that we follow: 

Ovrflo65™ Foundation Phase

The process begins with the Foundation phase which is designed to help Christian business leaders surrender their business to God, identify His purpose and vision, and build purpose-powered language and brand assets that help the organization live it out every day. 

AM guides you and your team through a series of interactive sessions to teach the foundational principles behind the Ovrflo65™ Framework. We’ll explore the stewardship concepts together and help you create a game plan on what degree you integrate Kingdom impact and gospel conversations into your organization. Your team will then collaborate with the AM team to identify your company purpose, values and vision and how to integrate them throughout the organization. AM will then create messaging and brand tools that articulate your purpose clearly, and train your team on how to roll those out internally and externally.

Ovrflo65™ Implementation Phase

The process continues with the Implementation phase which integrates your purpose into your culture and marketing systems. We believe that organizations should begin internally to ensure your staff buys into the new way of communicating your company’s purpose and understands how it will impact your day to day operations. It’s typical to roll out the different culture processes over a few months so that your team is not overwhelmed with too many changes too fast. 

Work can begin on your new purpose-focused marketing efforts at the same time as your working on culture. We suggest rolling it out to your team first so that they can be a part of it and gain ownership of it before it goes to outside audiences.   

We typically outline a plan to roll out a few items at a time, both internally and externally, over a few months to keep things moving in all facets of your organization.  

We are unique in that we are faith-driven business consultants AND experts at purpose-powered marketing and culture system execution. We believe that is what sets us apart from those that simply do one or the other. It’s our God-given vision that made the creation of the revolutionary Ovrflo65™ framework possible, and our journey makes us uniquely qualified to deliver on it with excellence for your organization. 

The AM Team are experts at:
  • Facilitating clarity on God’s purpose and vision 
  • Integrating Kingdom purpose and company purpose
  • Developing company vision and values
  • Coaching through people challenges & issues
  • Creating meaningful, world class brands 
  • Creating Culture Systems that improve team health
  • Building effective Internal Communication systems
  • Installing purpose-led hiring and onboarding processes
  • Executing marketing strategies and campaigns
  • Developing purpose-aligned websites and applications
  • Implementing ministry practices within your company

Ready to unleash the power of purpose through your organization?